Smart Phone Holder with Dyed Edge and Floral Tooling HOME MARTIN MISCELLANEOUS Hello! Welcome to Martin Saddlery. This site is not fully supported in Internet Explorer 11 (and earlier) versions. As an alternative, you can use either of the options below to browse the site: Use Google Chrome browser. Here is the download link. Use Firefox browser. Here is the download link. Use Microsoft Edge browser. Here is the download link. Thanks. sale new Share: Smart Phone Holder with Dyed Edge and Floral Tooling $99.99 SKU: IPHONEH6FTDE Style: FLORAL TOOLING Size: ONE SIZE Color: ONE COLOR UPC: 610393127224 Type Style Color Add to Cart Description Keep your phone handy but also out of your way with the smartphone holder that attaches to your back cinch or to your saddle strings. This model features traditional floral tooling and dyed edges. Riding your horse and staying in touch with the rest of the world has never been easier! We found a dealer near you! View more dealers here Thank You.Item has been added to your cart. QTY: 1SUB TOTAL: Continue Shopping View Shopping Cart